soda gun-pouring-water-into
Pouring soda at home

Home Soda Machine

A Bar Soda Gun For Your Home!

We specialize in Soda Found Machines for your home or office. Our bar soda guns are a great addition to your home kitchen, home movie theater or outdoor kitchen. The possibilities are endless with your “Soda Wand” at home professional fountain soda gun.

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Benifits of Owning A Home Soda Machine

Cost savings

When buying traditional caneeded soda, you're paying for alot of waste. You’re paying for water (that has to be shipped as well) and you paying for cans or bottles. WIth our systen, you just pay for the syrup, which is where all the flavor is. 

Time Savings

Trips to and from the grocery store or even to and from the car carrying cases of heavy soda are over. Having a home soda machine from Soda Wand gives you the extra time you need during the week. Great for older folks as well.

Cool Factor

Do I need to say more? All family get togethers and parties will now have a forever home with your new home soda system.

Environmentally friendly 

Say goodbye to wasteful cans or bottles. Soda syrup comes in recyclable plastic bags inside of recyclable cardboard boxes. Not to mention the syrup is highly concentrated, so you are shipping watered down product.


If you’re a beverage connoisseur you knoe the differece between a fresh fountain drink and a bottled or canned soft drinik. Our machines carbonate your soda water on demand, everytime you push the button.

Made in the USA

Our machines are proudly assembeled in the USA. Specifically at our shop in Florida.

enjoying life with a home soda machine

“For a mom thats always on the go, I can’t live without my new soda wand. Fresh, Ice cold fountain soda. No more trips back and forth carrying heavy, expensive cases of soda."

Chelsea Jennett

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